Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Selfish Nature Of This World

One Sethji (a rich man) was doing very good business. He was very rich. Many important people - lawyers, doctors, politicians and bureaucrats would come to greet him and give him gifts. 

Sethji's Doctor Friend
One doctor was a very close friend of his and used to visit him very often.

One day, Sethji suffered a big loss in business. He lost all his customers. He became poor. His wife could not take the jolt and became very depressed and sick. All his so called friends stopped visiting him.

Sethji's wife was not well
Sethji did not have enough money to get his wife treated from a good doctor. He thought of his doctor friend - He is my friend. He will definitely come and treat my wife.
So he went to the doctor’s place. The doctor was a good man and knew that the Sethji, a rich man of one time is now a popper. 

The Sethji said – O Doctor! My wife is very serious. Can you please come and see her?

The Doctor said – Well, I am really busy at this time. I have another serious
patient that I must finish with.

Sethji asked – Earlier you used to come and see us without a reason. Now you are busy even though my wife is so sick. Why are you doing this to me?

The Doctor smiled and said – I live in the world and have to make a living. So Sethji, you have to understand. I didn’t come for you. I came for your money.


Moral Of The Story

We the souls are under the influence of Maya and are looking for the real bliss. We are all so hungry for that bliss, that we do not care what the others in the world need. We only care to and plan to get from others. We do not care to give.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj narrates the story to tell us the selfish nature of this world. He gives another example of the birds which chirp on a tree as long as there is fruit on it. As soon as the fruit is over, they take a long leap and disappear.

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