Monday, March 31, 2014

Shopping Slippers In A Sweet Shop?

Ramu came to Mumbai from a small village in Bihar. He had never been to a city before. He was excited and was running around enjoying himself in the new place. 

The whole day went by in sight seeing. Suddenly he found that one of his slippers was broken and he could not go around any longer. So he started looking for a slipper shop.

The shops in Mumbai were big and their billboards had shop
titles in English. Ramu did not know English, so he just went to the first shop he saw - which happened to be a sweet shop.

He asked - Where do I get a pair of new slippers?

The shopkeeper and the people standing there laughed. 

The shop keeper said - You are looking for slippers in a sweet shop?

There was a noble person standing there. He called Ramu and showed him a slipper shop close by and sent him there.


Moral of the story

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj explained many times in His lectures that just like we should not ask for slippers in a sweet shop, we should also not ask God for the world. 

God can give that too because He is all-powerful and all-merciful. But it is extreme foolishness to ask for the dirty world from the God, to ask for suffering from Divine Bliss.

1 comment:

  1. Worldly welath feeds pride & greed and takes a person to hell...asking God for hell is studpidity
