Friday, May 9, 2014

A Check But No Money In The Bank

David's girlfriend betrayed him. So he was depressed. He quit his job and spent his time lamenting on
his destiny. He lost interest in life and was waiting for God to send him emotional support.

His situation did not change for months. Now he faced another problem. He was bankrupt.

But the bills did not stop coming. His landlord asked him to pay his rent or to find another place.

David gave it a thought - Well! I can buy some time by giving my landlord a check. It will take him a few days to find out there is no money in the bank.

And so he went to his landlord - Here John! Here is the check

John was happy - Wow! Why didn't you give this to me earlier?

Well John went and deposited the check. A few days later, John received a note from his bank that the check bounced.

John was furious. He ran to David - Hey you! You cheated me. I will not only get my room vacated right now but also will file the charges against you with the police.

Moral Of The Story

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj teaches us that we, the souls are searching for our Anand for
countless lives. The problem is that we are looking for it in the world instead of God.

This story teaches us that no worldly person can help us because any person, still under the control of Maya, is himself without Anand or like a check with no money in the bank. How can he make another person happy? What can he give us if he himself has nothing.

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