Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Bhakt Never Falls

Jamie was very fond of animals. His dad brought a pet cat for him on his birthday 3 years
ago. He called it Amber. Jamie fed Amber and played with her and Amber enjoyed being with Jamie. As Amber grew up, she had four babies. Jamie would spend hours watching Amber as she took care of her kittens. He made a small cat house for the family in the garden so they had enough space to play.

The kitten grew up soon. And they would walk away from their home now.

Jamie was seeing one going away and was thinking - Should I bring it back to its house?

But then he saw Amber jump and lift its baby in the mouth and herself bring it back.

Jamie narrated this to his dad - Dad! I saw Amber picking up her baby with its mouth. Wow! Then I do not need to worry that the kitten would go astray.

Jamie's dad said - You are right Jamie! Since the cats themselves hold the baby in their mouth, even the baby does not need to worry that it will fall. It knows that its mother is holding it, so it need not worry.

Once Jamie went to visit the zoo with his dad. He saw a monkey baby holding his mother's belly. Jamie was watching carefully. Just then a woman offered a banana to the monkeys. The mother monkey jumped to get the banana and in this jerk, the baby monkey fell down.

Jamie said - Oh no dad! Why doesn't the mother monkey also hold its baby in her mouth just like Amber?

His dad laughed and said - Well Jamie! These are laws made by God. This is the difference how a cat and a monkey carry their babies. And yes, since the monkey baby is holding its mom with its own strength, there is always a risk that it will fall.

Moral Of The Story

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj refers to this example to teach us that a Gyani progresses in his meditation with his own strength. Due to the subtle Vaasanas, he becomes weak in his path and falls from his path. 

However, a Bhakt or a devotee abandons his ego. He surrenders to God and progresses in his Sadhana and Bhajan with the strength of God. And since thereafter, God takes his responsibility, the devotee never falls. The devotee's faith carries him forward while the Grace of God protects him from falling.

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