Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Churning Lime Water To Get Butter?

There was once a poor illiterate woman named Kamala. Her son was fond of butter. So
she would churn some milk every day and make some butter for him.

But she was poor and there was no money to buy milk every day. So one day, she came up with an idea. She saw lime water on her way back home. Well, this lime water looked exactly like milk and costs so much less. 

"May be I can try churning lime water one day and see if I can get butter from it."

Well, she tried and tried but nothing came out of it.

Moral of the Story

Just like lime water and milk look the same but butter cannot be churned out of lime water. Similarly, it does appear that we can get happiness and peace from the material world, but happiness can be attained from God only.

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