Monday, April 14, 2014

Your attachment makes you suffer

A person Pramod withdrew one lakh rupees for his son’s college fee and was coming back home. A robber showed him a knife and robbed him of this money. Since Pramod had taken years to save this money and had a deep expectation that it will brighten his son’s future, he was deeply grieved with the loss.

The same day his neighbor Naveen who worked in a bank
was asked to take two lakh rupees to another branch of the bank and deposit it there. A robber came and robbed Naveen on his way to the other branch. Naveen went to the police station and filed a complaint. But he did not grieve due to this incident because it was not his money and so he was not attached to it.


Moral of the Story

Pramod suffered because he was attached to the money he lost. 

Naveen, on the other hand, had no suffering because he had no attachment with the money. It was not his money.

Hence, attachment causes pain and suffering.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj explains that the world we have is not ours. When we die, nothing will go with us. Even the body that we have will be taken away. Hence, we should not be attached to our relations, our money or any other material thing in this world.

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